What DOES Really Matter?

What DOES really matter?

The subtitle of The Not So Big Life suggests that the book might provide an answer to this question.

Not So Big Life subtitle

Indeed, the whole book is a blueprint for a personal journey to discover what blocks us from finding and engaging what really matters.

But even if you’ve read the book and taken a workshop or two, do you know what DOES really matter to YOU? And if you don’t, how do you go about finding out?

These questions are what this next Continuing the Not So Big Life Journey workshop is about.

Each of us is living an extraordinarily rich and varied life, whether we recognize it or not. By looking deeply at our past experiencing, we can start to identify the places where the meaningfulness we’ve been searching for becomes instantly apparent. And we can learn from these experiences if we know how to look with objectivity and curiosity. 


Beginning the Search

In this workshop, we’ll be looking at the most meaningful, moving, or transformative moments of our lives, from the tragic to the ecstatic, from the terrifying to the awe inspiring. We’ll explore moments when we took risks, when we said Yes to something that we’d been avoiding, or when we broke free of some great struggle. We’ll also look at those very simple moments that moved our hearts, or taught us something of profound significance.

Only you can identify these moments in your own life, as they may seem insignificant to everyone else. But YOU know what moments have deeply affected you. That’s where we’ll begin the search for what really matters.

Explorers of What IS

As I hope you’ll come to learn if you come to the workshop in July, the things we think will help us find what we are seeking are often the very things that are blocking what we actually long for. But we’ll never know this until we truly look at our own direct experiencing as explorers of what IS, rather than as seekers of gold nuggets in a landfill of unrealistic expectations.

I very much look forward to sharing these three days of July with you, and am confident that as all of us apply ourselves to this discovery process, we’ll find some jewels that are uniquely our own, and not at all what we’ve imagined we’re supposed to be looking for!


The Not So Big Life

Workshop Details

The next Continuing the Not So Big Life Journey Workshop will take place in July 12 – 14, 2024, online via Zoom.

(As with other workshops in the Continuing series, this workshop is open only to those who have previously attended an introductory Not So Big Life Workshop. The next introductory workshop will take place August 29 – 31, 2024, online via Zoom. Click here for more information.)


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