The Journey of a Lifetime

This coming Labor Day Weekend, August 29 – 31, 2024, I’ll be teaching the annual Introductory Not So Big Life Workshop online via Zoom. The online format makes it possible for anyone who is interested to participate without having to travel beyond their own workspace (register here, if interested). Each year, when we are all gathered, something remarkable occurs. Participants start to understand what has been placed before them, in all the happenings and meetings of their lives, to help them grow.

My Own Journey

Several decades ago now, when I first began my own spiritual journey in earnest, I started to wake up to the miracles and serendipitous happenings that were woven right into the fabric of my life—often little things that couldn’t be explained in any conventional way, but that startled me to alertness. At first it was a little scary even to look at them seriously, but the more I did so, the more I learned. And the more I became permeable to the teachings of these “out of left field” prompts from the universe, the more my life opened into a vast field of unanticipated learnings, discoveries, and insights that, I realized, must always have been there, but were previously invisible to me.

Learning How to Learn

This process of learning how to learn from every life event and experience is what I have attempted to share with readers in The Not So Big Life: Making Room for What Really Matters, and it is what I am able to impart more deeply in the workshops I offer each year, to those who are similarly inclined to look, listen, and learn through their own direct experiencing.

Once a year, over the Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of the Labor Day Weekend, I teach an Introductory Not So Big Life Workshop, which is intended to help bring this “moreness” that’s always here into awareness for each participant. These three days that we spend together (over Zoom) are just the first taste of what’s here, but they are necessary for further study and exploration. Once you’ve taken the introductory workshop, you are then given access to other resources, workshops and monthly Implementing meetings to help you explore and integrate what you are learning.

If you’ve ever wondered how to learn more about your own inner workings, I hope you’ll consider joining me this Labor Day Weekend. In preparation for the event, I’m going to be sharing some suggested readings, as well as videos, to get you in the appropriate frame of mind. Whether or not you engage any of them is up to you, and is not a prerequisite for attendance. But I hope you will consider it. Just as in life in general, the more of your heart that is engaged, the more you get out of the whole experience.

Suggestions to Help You Prepare

The first suggestions are as follows:

First, read the Introduction to The Not So Big Life.

After reading the Introduction, try this Significant Moments Exercise, modified from the Exercise in Chapter 2 of The Not So Big Life.


The Not So Big Life, by Sarah SusankaWorkshop Details

The next Introductory Not So Big Life Workshop will take place Thursday, August 29 – Saturday, August 31, 2024, online via Zoom.

Read more about the workshop.

Or register now to save your spot.

Everyone is welcome!

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