Not So Big Showhouses
Experiencing the principles in action

Sarah Susanka’s Not So Big Showhouses

Sarah Susanka’s Not So Big Showhouses have given homeowners and professionals an unprecedented opportunity to experience how Not So Big principles can apply to every level of design—from the smallest detail inside the house, to the street, neighborhood and community as a whole. When all these ingredients are mixed together, the experience is truly more than the sum of its parts.

Not So Big Showhouses

Home By Design Showhouse

Sarah teamed with building scientist Steve Easley and custom homebuilder Paul Trudeau to build and present the Home by Design Showhouse at the 2004 International Builders Show. A full-scale, fully finished home, the Home By Design Showhouse demonstrated a new way of thinking about design, from the principles used to tailor home design to our lives, to the manner in which it was built, to the products and systems it engaged.

Orlando Not So Big Showhouse

Sarah teamed with building scientist Steve Easley and sustainability expert Ron Jones to build the Orlando Not So Big Showhouse for the 2005 International Builders Show.  Sarah’s design concepts were well-exemplified in a hands-on display of ‘Build Better, Not Bigger’ principles from her bestselling books, The Not So Big House, Not So Big Solutions for Your Home, and Home by Design: Transforming Your House into Home.

Libertyville Not So Big Showhouse

Sarah Susanka’s 2011 Not So Big Showhouse at SchoolStreet brought her ‘Build Better, Not Bigger’ design principles to a well-thought out neighborhood urban infill project in the vibrant existing village of Libertyville, Illinois, just north of Chicago. While the home is now privately owned, more than 8,000 people from all over the country have visited the Showhouse.


Latest from Sarah's Blog

The Libertyville Not So Big Showhouse: Transformer Spaces

July 25, 2019

  I would like to introduce you to the Libertyville Showhouse, which was built in 2011 in a northern suburb of Chicago.  This brief introduction will give you a taste of what it's all about. Designed for a family with two kids, this particular house is intended to completely model…

The Libertyville Not So Big Showhouse on School Street

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